Willow Smith plays the йboueuses

Entertainment 27 June, 2017

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June 2017: Willow Smith (2nd from left) and her mom, Jada Pinkett Smith (а g.) have profitй of their holiday in Gruce to clean up three small beaches beaches of their dйchets.
The actress and singer, 16-year-old partagй photos of the moment on Instagram and confiй that she had dйcidй to зa because she could not bear to see birds die а because of dйchets.
The number of dйchets that they have trouvйs йtait impressive.

In all, the small group has ramenй 22 trash bags filled with dйtritus of all kinds.

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In rйservant a sйjour on the little ole Antipaxos, Willow Smith had certainly in tkte a turquoise sea, sandy beaches and days а do nothing. His vacation would have been dйrouler of this follows, but it йtait effective without the strong sense of the йcologie of the daughter of Will Smith.

In dйcouvrant that the white sand was used as dйpotoir to dйchets many tourists, the teenager, 16-year-old dйcidй to take things in hand, is armйe gloves and trash bags and has emmenй his blackberry, Jada Pinkett Smith, and four other people with her to pick up the dйtritus.

“I don’t have supportй to see these beautiful beaches of Gruce encombrйes of crap. I saw dead seagulls have avalй small pieces of plastic or other dйchets that are not biodйgradables. They die able to by eating fish that have ingйrй these dйchets”, йcrit Willow on Instagram.

The girl, her mom and their coйquipiers a day filled 22 large garbage bags in a journйe and three beaches. “It is the responsabilitй of ktres humans to do all they can, now and а the longer term, be able to, if the shares are small. We can do the diffйrence”, expliquй the artist.
