Pretty Little Liars, Orphan Black, Younger: Spoilers of the week
Like every Saturday, it’s time for the week’s spoilers. Between the Final Series of Pretty Little Liars and the Season Premiere of Younger, things happened!
This is what we felt this week after the release of the Pretty Little Liars Series. After seven years spent with the Liars, we had to bid them farewell. The series has run out of steam over the years and has great inconsistencies, but it’s never easy to say goodbye. In this episode 20 of Season 7 of Pretty Little Liars, we learned the identity of A.D and it is none other than Spencer’s evil twin. Moreover, all the couples, Emison, Ezria, Haleb and Spoby have known their happy ending. Between marriages and pregnancies, emotion was present. On the other hand, with the final seconds of this Series Final, one wonders if a suite would not take place …? To have ! This week we also hosted Younger’s Season Premiere and it was short but intense. Kelsey has learned the truth about Liza and refuses to talk to her. Worse, she decided to move to Josh and the situation will soon become ambiguous … With whom will Liza end up? Business to follow!
Let’s move on to the universe of clones and Neolution. In episode 3 of season 5 of Orphan Black, Alison was haunted by her past. This episode was centered on his character and we learned more about his doubts and feelings. Between a mix of flashbacks and dilemmas present, “Beneath Her Heart” was very well thought out and sent us back for a moment to season 1 of the show. Let’s finish our spoilers of the week with episode 5 of season 3 of Fear the Walking Dead. We followed the duo formed by Troy and Madison and the horror that was with them. They were looking for their men and found them burnt alive. Travis and Charlene’s killer took the floor and ordered them to leave their lands. The small surviving group was therefore obliged to set out again. In addition, Alicia and Jake have come closer together. Where will their story lead them? To find out, we’ll meet you next week for even more spoilers!