Justice League: The Origins of Cyborg’s Powers Unveiled

With the release of a new Cyborg toy on the occasion of the upcoming release of Justice League, we now know more about the origins of the hero!
It sometimes happens that toys reveal much on a film before its release! Remember: Power Rangers fans were able to discover Goldar with a merchandising product before the feature film was released. This is again the case today with the origins of Cyborg’s Justice League, which should unveil Superman in his next trailer. The film, directed by Zack Snyder whose post-production is finalized by Joss Whedon, will feature several heroes of the DC Comics team. Heroes like Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash but especially Cyborg.
The title of the toy Cyborg explains, “Dr. Silva Stone saved his son Victor with a mysterious Mother Box. You can now activate the powers of this super human robot!” Origins remote from those that could be seen in comics DC Comics. It remains to be seen whether the creation of Cyborg will be shown in Justice League, a character of Wonder Woman has been confirmed to the cast, or intended for a solo film. For now, it is another hero who will have the right to adapt since the Batman of Matt Reeves is on the march (and Warner seems rather pleased to have hired!)