Star Wars The Last Jedi: What does Andy Serkis (Snoke) think of the film?
Andy Serkis will soon be back in the role of Snoke in Star Wars: The Last Jedi. But in the meantime, he gives us a bit of his opinion on the film!
In terms of mysterious enemy, Snoke arises a little there. Some scenes in The Revelation of Force, where it appears as a hologram, have vaguely enlightened us on the character. But questions like “Where does he come from?”, “Where does he get his power?” Or “What is his connection to the Force?” Have so far remained unanswered . And we should not expect that Star Wars: The Last Jedi, in which Snoke should eventually be little present, will give us more clues about it. In short, you will have understood, the mystery that surrounds this Episode VIII is almost thicker than that which surrounded the first opus of the new trilogy. So much so that some cast members do not even know … the title of the film. This is the case of Andy Serkis, the interpreter of Snoke therefore, who declared to the site Yahoo! Movies: “Until this morning, I did not even know that the movie was called ‘The Last Jedi.’ Someone came to tell me and I said ‘Oh, that’s how it is called ?’ “. Well, we admit that we do not know how Andy Serkis missed the news …
But the actor may not have known right away the title of Star Wars 8 and not to have, a priori, a great role, it nevertheless remains that he had the opportunity to be An opinion on it. And it is rather positive, this opinion, if we must believe what he says in the continuation of the interview! He said: “Rian Johnson’s film is going to be incredible, I can not really say more, but it was a real pleasure to be part of it, I really enjoyed playing the Supreme Leader again Snoke. “. There you go! It must therefore be believed that Andy Serkis really enjoyed finding his character on the set, although it turns out that he is entitled only to a minor role. Mark Hamill admitted to being surprised by the role of Luke in Star Wars: The Last Jedi, we inspire in any case confidence. And then, anyway, we love Andy Serkis, so we’ll be happy to find him behind Snoke’s scared and disturbing face!