Tomb Raider: Alicia Vikander tease her version of Lara Croft

Cinema 18 July, 2017

Alicia Vikander will lend her features to Lara Croft in a new version of Tomb Raider. What should we expect?

Lara Croft will return to illuminate our dark rooms in 2018 and it is Alicia Vikander who will lend her features to this new reboot realized by Roar Uthaug (The Wave). The Oscar-winning actress takes a close look at the shoot while the first official photos of Tomb Raider have recently been unveiled and as we approach the Comic Con 2017 new information arrives to us. Alicia Vikander said: “She is courageous, strong, curious and intelligent, but has taken away all her experience as an adventurer, she is not aware of her father’s story, she thinks of him as a business Stuck Londoner, but she will discover many secrets and this is only the beginning “.

A role she accepted without hesitation, she explains: “I am emotionally attracted by things different from what I already had the chance to do, it really excites me. But I love watching adventure movies like Indiana Jones or The Mummy. Making an action movie is a kid’s dream “. A film for which Alicia Vikander gives her person since the film crew does not spare her, she says: “We have many scenes under water, I spent my last two days shooting in a tank and c Was the 16th day in a row when I was completely under water … For one of the scenes, they threw me into the water with my hands tied at least 50 times, Did not need to play, I just reacted not to drown myself! “. We can not wait to see the result!