The Avengers Infinity War: Will Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) still be Captain America?
In what role will we find Chris Evans in Avengers Infinity War? Comics fans have an idea!
Chris Evans has extended his contract with Marvel Studios to play in the next two Avengers and we already have the chance to know some details about his next performance. Yes, the D23 was held this weekend and a very first teaser of Avengers Infinity War was shown and in this last the lucky ones could discover a bearded Steve Rogers with the hair a little longer than usual. It did not take more for the fans of Comics to launch a more than probable hypothesis: and if Steve Rogers turned into Nomad? A new identity that could trouble fans of movies that have not read the comics but that would be perfectly understandable to others.
In the Comics Steve Rogers took the identity of Nomad in 1974 for a short period of time after discovering that a very high-placed US government was also leading a terrorist group. As a result, it is possible to reconcile this event with the fact that the MCU Steve Rogers is now an outlaw since he refused to sign the Sokovia agreements in Captain America Civil War and left his SHIELD behind him. Nomad, basically it’s like Captain America except that he’s no longer in the US service, has no shield and wears a mask and a cloak. Because yes, even when Steve is not Cap ‘, he keeps his powers and remains a superhero, although we hope he will not wear exactly the same costume as Nomad because good …!