Kingsman – The Golden Circle: The opening scene unveiled!

At the Comic Con in San Diego, Fox offered a nice gift to fans of Kingsman by unveiling nothing less than … the opening scene of the Golden Circle. Here is the description!
Would you like to learn more about the next Eggsy adventures (Taron Egerton)? It’s good, the San Diego Comic Con started today and gives us the opportunity to stock up on news … and crisp details! We started the day very well at that level since a second trailer very tripping Kingsman – The Golden Circle was unveiled a little upstream of the event. As a result, we thought that the Fox had a little burned her cartridges and that she would have nothing more to show during her panel. As it was badly know the studios! For the meltynauts, they took advantage of the event, which was held in the famous Hall H of SDCC, and the presence of the cast to reveal the opening scene of the film. And according to the descriptions which immediately flooded on the canvas, it would seem that this first sequence of Kingsman – The Golden Circle announces a sequel even more crazy than the first film!
The scene would open as Eggsy gets attacked just outside the costume shop that serves as a link to the Kingsmen HQ by a man named Charlie, a former failed Kingsman candidate. On the title of Prince “Let’s go Crazy” (programmatic, apparently), we would first see Eggsy struggling with his opponent, who would own a metal arm! Decidedly, the young man tends to attract the baddies with somewhat weird prostheses. The scene would then lead us into a nervous chase by car in the streets of London, while Eggsy would find himself stuck with Charlie in his taxi, chased by three other cars. We let you imagine the mess! And then to add a layer, Eggsy would rock two-three missiles on the figures of these annoying villains before … to make a spectacular plunge into the Thames.
But no panic, Agent Merlin (Mark Strong) would be there to remind him that he is very gifted to hold his breath (‘kay, thanks). A small reference well placed to the first film and the beginning of Eggsy as secret agent of the British crown, therefore. Anyway, just with this little description, one feels that the film of Matthew Vaughn will not skimp on the scenes of action delirious! It remains to be hoped that we will soon have a little more information about the other characters of Kingsman: The Golden Circle, as we had on Poppy, the evil person incarnated by Julianne Moore.