Death of Chester Bennington: the show of Linkin Park at the Bell Centre is cancelled

Art 22 July, 2017
  • Photo Carsten Windhorst
    Chester Bennington, lead singer of the band Linkin Park.

    QMI agency

    Friday, 21 July 2017 19:22

    Friday, 21 July 2017 19:22

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    MONTREAL – Evenko announced on Friday that the show of Linkin Park planned at the Bell Centre on August 10, was cancelled in the wake of the death of the lead singer of the band, Chester Bennington.

    All performances of the north american tour One More Light Linkin Park have been cancelled.

    “Holders of tickets for the show scheduled for 10 August will be refunded at points of purchase,” said evenko.

    “We are deeply saddened by the death of Chester Bennington. […] Our thoughts go out to all those affected by his death,” added the quebec-based company in a brief statement.

    Chester Bennington, at the age of 41, was found dead by an employee on Thursday, at his residence in Palos Verdes Estates, at the south-west of Los Angeles. The thesis of the suicide has been confirmed by authorities Friday.