Ready Player One: The next Spielberg unveils with an incredible trailer at Comic Con 2017
It is the next film by Steven Spielberg that opened the panel of Warner Bros., and it’s great
The great director that we did not even need to present was the first to appear before the crowd of Hall H at Comic Con in San Diego, accompanied by Ernest Cline, author of Ready Player One. This book of science fiction is at the origin of the next film of Spielberg which is already announced like a film not to be missed. “Reading the book was a leap forward and a return in time, and that’s what makes it great,” Spielberg told the audience before unveiling a first clip and it’s quite crazy.
A billionaire who has created a virtual haven in an apocalyptic world will leave his fortune to the one who will go to the end of the quest he has given: find three keys in this virtual world. A very video game concept that made the director doubt, who told the audience that he imagined “a much younger director” for the film. In any case, the video shows us full of winks with ninja turtles, the iron giant, the Dolorean and the sets are extremely varied and stuffed with action every time. The film looks totally epic, very young and it was great to start the panel with that!