Supergirl Season 3: Trailer, Mon-El, Destroyed Kara, Sanvers … All news of Comic Con 2017

Cinema 25 July, 2017

While Supergirl Season 3 is very much anticipated by the fans, discover the first trailer of the new chapter and all the info of the Comic Con 2017!

A very moving season! Yes, the meltynauts, after Mon-El’s departure, Supergirl will decide to drop Kara and focus entirely on her mission. A decision that will have an impact on all of his loved ones. While Melty’s editor suggested that you discover all the details of Episode 1 of Supergirl’s Season 3, Melissa Benoist said that our heroine should almost manage a mourning: “During the first two seasons she tried to To balance her life as Supergirl and her everyday life as a Kara Now she has a real weight on her heart and she must mourn for sending her boyfriend to space She will rely more on herself and she will find it difficult to trust others. ” Speaking of Mon-El, the producers have remained very mysterious as to where it is now:

“Chris Wood is here and Mon-El is going to come back at some point, but how?” This is the central question of this third season. Will the couple survive this long absence? “It is mainly the consequences of what happened to Mon-El that will determine what will happen in their relationship.” On the other hand, the trailer allowed us to discover Erica Durance in the role of Alura and we are terribly impatient to see her share scenes with Kara on the CW. In addition, our heroine will wonder what it really means to be human and to have the emotions that go with it. Moreover, she will be able to count on a string of new characters to explore her interiority. Between Adrian Pascar, Carl Lumbly, Yael Grobglas, Emma Tremblay and the return of Cat Grant, Kara’s life will not be easy.

On the other hand, the producers have a bright future for James and even a new romantic relationship. The Guardian will continue to be an integral part of the Team while Winn and Lyra will continue their relationship that will become stronger. Unfortunately, the Sanvers couple is doomed to disappear: “We have a wonderful story to tell during the last episodes of Floriana Lima which is moving, modern and which will honor the love that remains between these two women. Whether Lena knows the truth, Katie McGrath prefers to remain in the dark: “She can be herself with Lena, she does not need to play the super-heroine. ‘She would be furious that her best friend also lied to her.’ While waiting for more information, vote for the Series World Cup.