The Walking Dead Season 7: Alanna Masterson (Tara) strongly criticized, it defends itself!
A few days after the broadcast of episode 6 of 7 The Walking Dead season centered on Tara Chambler, his interpreter Alanna Masterson responds to criticism following the episode.
Only two days before the broadcast of episode 7 of Season 7 of The Walking Dead, where you can see Spencer ready to betray Rick in a new extract unveiled yesterday melty. We continue to help you to wait until Sunday, this time with a small return on “Swear,” the episode that marked the return of Tara and Heath. As some already know, the actress Alanna Masterson, who plays the endearing Tara, gave birth just before the shooting of season 7 of The Walking Dead, but that does not prevent her from returning to work and even less make its action scenes herself. Yet some trolls of the canvas have still found a way to criticize a young mother who was able to combine work and family for the weight gained during pregnancy . Words that prove the stupidity always flows both on internet, but rather than ignoring them, Alanna Masterson chose to overcome ignorance with wise words and an adorable photo of her daughter on her Instagram account .
To accompany this picture, the actress has directly addressed the “body shamers”, that is to say to those who criticize the physical people, and to all those who made her remarks about her weight, saying, “I hope you do not have children and if you have them, you teach them tolerance and kindness I hope they learn that it’s not good to make fun of.. people or insult them, and I hope that one day yOU will learn to be good parents. (…) Maybe you do not realize, but raise a baby and pump her milk between takes in a van in the summer in Georgia is hard work, determination and organization. (…) Grow a little shit. Your mother should be ashamed for having raised such raw ” . Alanna Masterson concluded by emphasizing the cowardice of internet trolls, challenging them to give birth and to feed a baby while working 17h a day and finally calling for benevolence rather than nastiness . Sent a good message that hopefully will open some minds too closed. While waiting to find Tara in the following, we wondered if Sasha would die in season 7 of The Walking Dead . And you, what do you think of the statement of Alanna Masterson?