Westworld: Episode 10, William Is the Man in Black? Finally the answer!
This is THE question that everyone arises from the beginning of the show. So William and they are black man a single person? The answer is in episode 10 of Westworld.
Attention, this article contains large spoilers on episode 10 of Wesworld aired last night on American screens . After a pretty crazy first season, the HBO show bows of a master hand. In the Season Finale of nearly 1:30 , Westworld answers – almost – all our questions and we held in suspense until the last seconds. Difficult to say it will probably have to wait until 2018 to discover later. Yes friends, if Wesworld has been renewed for Season 2, we must still wait a while before returning to the park’s inhabitants. Let us console ourselves with the many revelations of this unique Season Finale. Among them, the true identity of the Man in Black …
Well, we suspected all that much and since the first episodes of season 1, but it is now official: William and the Man in Black are one and the same person and holds the majority of shares of the park! Obsessed with his beloved Dolores, William did everything to find her and especially discovered his true nature – Psycho – way. An expected revelation and perfectly executed by a great Ed Harris, true to himself … We want more! Will it present in Season 2 Westworld ? Apparently so … For all other revelations on the show HBO stay tuned and see you tonight on OCS City .