Westworld: Returning beginning of filming, when in the future?
The season finale of Westworld barely broadcast, discover the return date, that of the start of filming of the series!
And now ? We just discovered the season finale of Westworld, for which we offer our criticism , as already we wonder when the series will come back when the shooting season 2 will start and when we have the pleasure of discovering the first teaser. Like The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones before it, Westworld has become a real phenomenon! Thus, the promotion of the next burst of episodes should be particularly well orchestrated by HBO . This year, the series debuted in October, but we know that because of the complexity and importance of the cost of filming ($ 100 million), season 2, which will again consist of 10 episodes, is rather planned for 2018. It seems very likely that January is one where it starts.
In terms of shooting, it is the actors that we learn more. We know that Ed Harris (aka The Man in Black / William old) and Evan Rachel Wood (aka Dolores) will be back, which is not the case Jimmi Simpson, who was William Young. The first revealed: “We probably will not start filming until June or July … the showrunners seem pretty excited, but I have no idea what the season will encompass … It seems that there will be a lot of violence and I do not know if I’m joining forces to host or have specific plans for season 2 ” . Regarding the first teaser, there is at this stage quite difficult to get an idea of the timetable that the chain will follow. However, with season 7 of Game of Thrones, which all have leaked intrigues , to be proposed in summer 2017, we can imagine that the season finale could be a more than one event. Indeed, it seems that this could be the perfect time for the start of teasing new episodes whose disclosure could begin six months later! Are you excited to see the return of the series?