The rumor of homosexuality, which Emmanuel Macron, a sign of homophobia and misogyny – Gala

Entertainment 8 September, 2017


In his book A Character of roman (Julliard), Philippe Besson demonstrates that the birth of the rumour of homosexuality Emmanuel Macron has the explanation of homophobia and misogyny.

Rarely rumor has become so big in an election campaign. In his book dedicated to Emmanuel Macron, a Character in A novel (Julliard), Philippe Besson analysis of the reasons why the rumored homosexuality of the future president has had so many echoes to the four corners of the Hexagon. For the writer, there is only one explanation, ” the worse, he wrote in his book, car it is only the avatar of a cliche fool : a young gentle man married to a lady much older is either a gigolo or invert. “It points to the homophobia and misogyny that combine in the birth of this rumor. Homosexuality is presumed to be a candidate would be in the eyes of those who have launched these noises supposed to disqualify a candidate. While at the same time, it would be necessary for a woman twenty years older than his companion is necessarily brocardée. Philippe Besson also recognizes in his book that he was very surprised that Emmanuel Macron decides, in order to counter these noises, talk about it publicly. At the théâtre Bobino in the midst of the campaign, the candidate Market has in fact mentioned this rumor on stage in a joking way and creating the buzz. A gesture unprecedented in the political world, which has borne fruit that is a little bit off.

Photo credits : HAMILTON-POOL/SIPA

Emmanuel Macron

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