The e-cigarette banned in public places on October 1,
Published the 29.09.2017 at 08: 00
Keywords :
e-cigaretteinterdiction of fumervapoteurslieux public
On Monday, it is finished. Users of e-cigarette live out their last day of vapote the office this Friday. From the 1st of October, the decree governing its conditions of use, between in-app. It will not be possible to vape in most public places closed.
The use of the e-cigarette will be in effect prohibited ” in schools and institutions for the reception, the training and the accommodation of juveniles, in the means of public transportation closed, as well as in places of work closed and covered for collective use “.
No ban in bars and on train platforms
Specifically, the prohibition refers not only to offices, schools, leisure centres or sports clubs, either in the buildings or outside. It will also be banned from vaping in a train, a plane, a bus or in the corridors of the subway.
But, contrary to conventional cigarette smoking, the text allows the freedom to vape on the platform of a train station outside, even if the dock is covered, or in a bus shelter. The premises is open to the public, such as bars or restaurants, are not affected by the ban. The servers, the employees in hospitals or the vendors in the shop, unlike office workers, for example, can smoke at work.
In contrast, the internal rules of the institutions prevail over the law, however, if these are more stringent. Thus, restaurant operators may prohibit the use of the e-cigarette in their room.
The money goes up in smoke
The text also includes an obligation to view the ban vaping for all the managers of the facilities where the prohibition applies. In the case of a breach, they are liable to a fine of 3rd category, that is to say, to 450 euros.
Users who do not comply will also face to a fine, a little salt. They will be sanctioned as category 2, and will have to divest itself of 150 euros.