Westworld: The existence of several confirmed parks! (SPOILERS)
Following the release of the final season of Westworld, the existence of several parks just been confirmed.
The revelations follow one another! While we révélions what year the action takes place in Westworld is another answer that the series of HBO gave us during the season finale. Indeed, as we supposed, there are many more parks in the universe of the series. When Maeve escapes with Armistice, Felix and Hector, they land in a unique part within the premises of Delos Company, whose walls are flanked by the initials “SW” . They were able to see Asian men wearing armor, two sword fighting. Maeve Felix asks “What is this place?” , But the latter replied that: “It’s … complicated” . Fans of the original film have not been surprised since in Westworld 1973, the mysterious Delos company has multiple versions of these synthetic parks. The entire theme park is not only based around a Western society of the 1800s, but it also has a medieval world and the Roman world. The series stands again its source material as it is a samurai world that could be discovered.
The co-creator Jonathan Nolan has already said there would be no or medieval world of ancient Rome, but the idea that the hosts escaped Westworld are able to visit other parks is extremely intriguing, which seems to have escaped him. Indeed, the latter recently said about this new park, confirming its existence. He says: “We are constantly asking us’? Are there a Roman and medieval world we could not say no, because we wanted to go in a slightly different direction this world samurai-shogun. for us, has a very specific relationship with the West Some of my favorite films are adaptations Sergio Leone samurai films of Akira Kurosawa.. Seven Samurai and the Magnificent Seven At the time when the Western was the largest kind in the world, the interaction between the westerns and samurai films on the Japanese market was really cool. in this meta-level, these two genres have an almost incestuous relationship with each other. We could not resist . ” For now, we do not know what exactly is “SW” as Nolan would not reveal the official name before the launch of season two, but it could be Samuraï World or maybe Shogun World.
During the first season, we could see many clues about the existence of other parks. When Theresa Charlotte and trying to discredit the dreams of Dr. Ford by hacking the code of Clementine for their violent simulation in episode 7, we hear them say that they have programmed an Asian host to resemble a human technician. Since there was little color characters to Westworld, except Maeve, daughter or Native Americans, some fans wondered if he could be a host of other Delos Park. Also, in episode 6, when Maeve sees guests be showered as she visits the headquarters of Félix Delos, we can see an Asian couple that we’ve never seen in Westworld. Finally, in the season finale, Felix gives Maeve a note indicating where to find her daughter: “Parc 1 Area 15 Zone 3.” The notion “Park 1” suggests that the team of Delos imagined new worlds, beyond Westworld, during the 35 years that have passed since Arnold and Ford began their project. With so much evidence, the question now is to know how many parks there he was outside Westworld? Also remains to be seen whether or not we explore these new worlds and how they can enter the equation? As of now, make sure you’ve followed the first season of Westworld! Do you want to discover these other parks?