Asthma : vitamin D reduces the frequency of seizures

Health 4 October, 2017


Published the 04.10.2017 at 17h13


Keywords :

asthmevitamine Dprévention

The vitamin D deficiency is accused of all evils. Its supplementation has, in contrast, is associated with many health benefits. In both cases, the level of evidence leaves much to be desired. But it is a condition that results book more consistent : asthma. After a review of the literature published in the Lancet Respiratory Medicine, the supplementation improves the control of the disease significantly.

The seven clinical trials analyzed for this publication compared the effectiveness of vitamin D compared to placebo. The objective, to understand if this strategy allows you to avoid asthma attacks, often caused by respiratory diseases.

And the results are conclusive. The rate of seizures requiring medication has dropped by 30% thanks to this supplementation. Severe exacerbations of the disease are also better controlled. The risk of a crisis leading to the emergency room is divided by two. Approximately 3 % of the volunteers in vitamin D have had to go to the hospital, compared with 6 % for placebo.

No excess of calcium

Some asthmatics will have more chances to derive the benefits of supplementation. The authors of this study evoke ” a protective effect was strong and statistically significant among participants who had low levels of vitamin D “. In fact, the protection of the asthma attacks is even more marked in these patients. An element that is already raised by a Cochrane review in 2016.

But in France, to distinguish the patients according to their vitamin D levels is difficult. In 2013, the High Authority for Health (HAS) has deemed the assay useless for most people. The blood test is no longer reimbursed.

The researchers are, however, evidence of serenity. In the course of the study, no cases of hypercalcemia were not detected, and the side effects were not more numerous than in the placebo group.