Brigitte Macron returns to the school – Gala

Entertainment 16 October, 2017


She will lead today the dictation of ELA. Brigitte Macron has left a good memory at his former students.

She loved to teach and réenseignera a day, in some form or another. Brigitte Macron is sure her passion for the transmission not to leave ever. It does not turn away back to a life of prof. First lady become, it was logical, therefore, chosen to support Ela, which fight against the leukodystrophies, rare genetic diseases – by agreeing to carry out the famous dictation of the association today. Brigitte Macron will dictate, as well as many other personalities of the sports world and the arts, an extract of a text by the novelist Leila Slimani on which will strive towards 2000 students in the whole of France.

The opportunity for the wife of the president to reconnect with his old job. A job that she had kissed with passion. As evidenced by Martin, one of his former students at the lycée de la Providence in Amiens : “ It was not the type to dictate its course and to leave. There was a lot of debate in his class. It learnt us to think by ourselves to use our free will, and knew how to transpose the texts of the past to present situations “. “She had a natural authority “, says the former student. A character trait not useless in times like these.

Brigitte Trogneux

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