Sylvie Vartan, a “friend of great value”, for Johnny Hallyday, how she has been able to strengthen the ties of the clan with Laeticia – Gala

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For 15 years Johnny Hallyday and Sylvie Vartan formed the star couple of the starsystem in France. Despite the years, their beautiful complicity remained intact.
“The broken heart” by the disappearance of his childhood sweetheart Johnny Hallyday, Sylvie Vartan has not tried to hide his sorrow In a message that was upsetting, she was among the first to react to the disappearance of Johnny, with whom she formed the star couple of the “yéyé”. During the tribute public place de la Madeleine, it had not withheld his tears. Comforted by her husband Tony Scotti and his daughter Darina, the icon yéyé was appeared to be very marked, the face defeated in spite of the black goggles that hid his tears. It was arrival of his side, while Laeticia Hallyday and her daughters Jade and Joy accompanied the white coffin of Johnny during his descent of the Champs-Elysées. Revealing in a statement to the AFP why she had decided not to attend the funeral in St Barth, Sylvie had caused a stir among the relatives of the Taulier, pushing even Jean-Claude Darmon to speak, in terms that are particularly virulent.
From what some have regarded it as an attack, not a week goes by without the media to make themselves the echo of rumors. Would there be tensions between the two clans Hallyday ? Between the two major children of the star and Laeticia ? Sylvie Vartan is not the type to get involved in this type of dispute. Since their separation, these two had never really left. Despite the distance (Sylvie Vartan live in the United States for many years and has remade his life), it has always been present in difficult moments : the two were seen regularly. A few weeks before the disappearance of Johnny, after the end of the tour of the Old Rogues, she gave of her stories, and told one of their dinners. Between them, the complicity had never stopped. The trust intact.
In 2009, when Johnny came very close to death,following a coma that left him in a severe depression Sylvie was also there, at his side. “Solid as a rock, hidden behind his smiles and his dark glasses, the former wife of the singer was ubiquitous “, wrote Renaud Revel in the book 100 days where everything changed. Attentive, reserved, maintaining good relations with Laeticia, she never ceased to ensure the grain. Without jealousy, or lust”. Described as the most” valiant ally of Johnny “, she has managed all these years to stay at his side, in his place, “one of the few to keep his ear, one of the only that he listens to with attention when he feels the need to share and that his life goes through a difficult period. Sylvie is his filter, a friend’s valuable which passes through a sieve, the anxieties and the questions of the one she loved, a man she knows better than anyone else , “wrote even the journalist. Anxious to strengthen the ties of the clan in this difficult time for Johnny, here, too, the first wife of Johnny has played a key role, with David of course, and with Laura. We know what happened, Sylvie until the end will have been present at the bedside for the one with whom she shared many years.
Photo credits : BEST
Johnny Hallyday
Laeticia Hallyday
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