David Hallyday daddy hen with her 3 children, so proud of his tribe – Gala

Entertainment 4 January, 2018


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David Hallyday enjoys every moment with his three children, Ilona, 22, Emma, 20 years old, and Cameron, 12. A real dad hen is very proud of his offspring.

David Hallyday grew up with an absent father, torn between the rising celebrity, a career that took off, and a train of flamboyant life. The son of Johnny Hallyday is not to repeat the same pattern with his own children. Ilona, Emma and Cameron have a real dad hen who looks after them and protects them as much as he is proud. Siblings is a natural part of the daily lives of David Hallyday, who has detailed his day-to-day with Gala in 2016. “I get up, I do sports, I compose in my studio. I called some friends, in the evening we are going to see concerts. (…) And then, I take care of my wife Alexandra, my son Cameron and my daughters, Ilona and Emma, ” he explained then.

And then indulge more at length on his children : Ilona, 22 years, student in interior architecture at the university. Supermodel like her mother Estelle Lefébure, among others, she has fashion show for Etam at the Paris Fashion week in September 2017. “She painted a lot, too “, stated David Hallyday. Emma, 20 years old, is headed more towards a career in the seventh art She studied for 24 months in a film school to learn the technical aspects. “She takes acting classes, and she has been approached for a film,” confided proudly to his father.

Finally, the youngest, Cameron, age 12, born from the union of David Hallyday with Alexandra Pastor, made his way to adolescence. “When I do activities with him, it is still very strong. Our relationship is almost an animal, ” noted her father.

Photo credits : Durand Guy/ABACA

David Hallyday, Ilona Smet

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