David Hallyday the man in the shade, Sylvie Vartan tells what a little boy he was – Gala

Entertainment 5 January, 2018


If Johnny Hallyday has lived a life rich in twists and turns, always in the spotlight, and punctuated by concerts, his son David is much more discreet. It is in the shade, and that since his childhood. His mother Sylvie Vartan even remembers a little boy reserved.

While his father was a daily marked by the celebrity, David Hallyday has always preferred to move in the shadows. Author-composer and interpreter, he tried to clear a path in the world of music. In the shadows, and without ever referring to the career of the idol of young people. Johnny Hallyday was unbeatable and above all inimitable, and his son knew it. When he was a child, the ex-companion of Estelle Lefébure was not very talkative. He preferred to make agreements on its state of mind in playing the piano and the drums : “I didn’t like me mixing, we had-he told in November 2016. I spoke little. When I realized that I could pass my feelings to chords and harmonies, I told myself that I’d do my job.” Mission successful.

His mother Sylvie Vartan also remembers a child booked, raised by an absent father : “David was an only child. He was raised outside of the whirlwind of celebrity, and he has learned very fast to manage alone, his hobbies and his passions. The fact that he has celebrated fifty years this étéme seems unimaginable.”

And if more young, David Hallyday suffered from the celebrity of his father and especially his absence, today he has managed to build a strong family with three children and a career in music.

Credits photos : BestImage

Sylvie VartanJohnny Hallyday

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