Game of Thrones: A spin-off officially under development!
While the shooting of Season 7 of Game of Thrones continues, HBO confirms the development of a spin-off!
It was only a matter of time! Season 7 of Game of Thrones, which hosts a martial arts star , will return in the summer of 2017, but we know it’s only 13 episodes we have left to do before saying goodbye to Westeros and his heroes. Finally, that is what we feared so far! Due to the imminent end of the hit saga, we knew that discussions had taken place between showrunners and HBO on how to extend the franchise. The most obvious, coherent and most discussed theory by fans was the creation of a kind of spin-off and more likely a prequel. Today we learn that discussions are becoming more serious and advanced as the CEO of the American cable channel, Richard Plepner, said a spin-off was officially in development.
During a recent interview, he indicated that “there might be an extension of the Game of Thrones franchise that would be exciting. It certainly has not escaped the producers. At present, we are focused on the conclusion of the series with all the energy and excitement that everyone is entitled to expect from us. at the same time, so we’ll develop later with different possibilities that are at the very embryonic stages ” . Since George RR Martin said he had spin-off ideas for Game of Thrones , and it has an almost endless amount of stories about the history of Westeros, we are confident that the saga Is not ready to die and cease to move us. What spin-off would you like to see?