Agents of SHIELD Season 4: Episode 14, LMD take power, our critic

Check out our review of Agents of SHIELD’s Season 4 episode 14, which was aired last night on ABC, as well as the promotional video of the upcoming episode!
Yesterday evening, ABC broadcast episode 14 of season 4 of Agents of SHIELD which in particular opposed the agents to the Superior, who is determined to put an end to Coulson and his team. If we were to expect an enormous face-to-face, we must admit to being disappointed by this episode which drags a little in length – notably because of the flashbacks between Coulson and May, which do not bring much to the ‘plot. “The Man Behind the Shield” begins as the team is still trying to locate Ivanov and Radcliffe in order to save Melinda May and Jeffrey Mace. Very soon, Coulson discovers that the Superior is totally obsessed with him and he understands that he must return to Russia, in a place where he already went while he was on a mission with Melinda. The flashbacks of this mission support the speech of Ivanov – who wants Coulson and SHIELD because his Russian teammates were tortured and killed following this mission. However, once again, it seems that the screenwriters are trying to continue to sell us a romance, or at least an attraction, between Coulson and May that is really hard to imagine.
During the episode Ivanov, the Superior, confronts Jeffrey Mace and takes advantage of it to give us a little of his past. Unfortunately, its origins are scarcely touched and it is regrettable that it does not give more thickness to his character who remains a simple “bad guy” who wants revenge. Moreover, his confrontations, first with Coulson and then Daisy, were a little too fast for our taste. The biggest twist of the episode is of course the fact that Daisy, Coulson, Mack and Mace were all exchanged by LMD, as Fitz and Simmons discover at the end . It seems that FitzSimmons are the only two humans left on the team and we are eager to see how they will get out of this situation. One imagines that the advances made by Fitz during the episode,
In the end, “The Man Behind the Shield” looks more like a transition episode, in which you can see the LMDs gradually take over the power over the SHIELD. It is regrettable that the confrontation between the Superior and Coulson has not been more poignant and it is hoped that the rhythm of the next episodes will be a little more sustained. The promotional video of episode 15, which you can see above, shows us in any case that the LMD will directly attack Fitz and Simmons in order to be able to replace them, too, by humanoids . If we imagine it is a bottle episode with Leo and Jemma in hero, we are more than starters to see what it gives! Waiting for next week anyway, Know that you can always read our review of episode 13 of season 4 of Agents of SHIELD on melty. What did you think of this episode?