Alcohol and pregnancy : the French minimising the risks

Health 6 September, 2017


Published the 06.09.2017 at 13h28


Keywords :

alcoolgrossessesyndrome of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder

The message “zero alcohol during pregnancy” was still struggling to get in France. A survey conducted last may by the public Health France shows that, despite an awareness of the dangers of alcohol to the fetus, still too much of French minimize the risk of a low consumption of alcohol.
These results are presented on the occasion of the world day of awareness of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) organized the 9th of September.

This study shows that if three-quarters of the population report being shocked to see a pregnant woman with a glass of alcohol in hand, less than half reported spontaneously that there is no consumption of alcohol without risk to the child.

This research underlines, furthermore, that two-thirds of French people know that the damage caused by alcohol are the same, whether they are wine, beer or strong alcohol. Barely half was aware of it two years ago.

In contrast, only one-third of the population knows that the risks to the baby exist throughout the pregnancy. More disturbing, still a French on five think that it is advisable to drink a small glass of wine occasionally during pregnancy.

Inform the population

The public Health survey in France confirmed that the prevention of the disorders neuro-developmental alcohol-related needs to be strengthened in our country. Thus, as from 9 September and for a month, a national information campaign in the press and on the web will be distributed. “It is based on a key message, “you drink a little, he drinks a lot” to promote the precautionary principle : “zero alcohol during pregnancy”, ” health care agency. It will be worn by celebrities such as comedian Arnaud Tsamere, the actress Laëtitia Milot or the television presenter Hapsatou Sy.

In parallel, posters and leaflets will be made available in the waiting rooms of professionals. In addition to raising awareness, these actions are intended to encourage pregnant women struggling with alcohol to turn to their doctor. These can also be attached to the device using remote Alcohol Info Service 0 980 980 930 or on the internet.

The aim of these campaigns is to size. In France, each year, 8,000 children are affected by disorders caused by fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. These abnormalities irreversible are responsible for intellectual difficulties, impaired concentration as well as disorders of the faculties of social adaptation. This handicap is, however, 100 % preventable.