American Horror Story vs. Riverdale: Will Archie and his band be stronger than monsters and spirits?
Riverdale and American Horror Story are part of the last game of the 2017 World Cup. But who will qualify in the quarterfinals?
The 2017 World Cup continues its momentum and this edition is very intense. There are now only 16 series in competition as well as the special hen featuring the TV shows of the summer. This week, our surviving and therefore favorite series are fighting in duo and we can say, each opponent is formidable! Teen Wolf went into a fierce duel against Arrow and The 100 against 13 Reasons Why. The very last group we present to you has two series very different from each other but just as much appreciated by the fans. The match H opposes Riverdale to American Horror Story. So, will Archie and his band survive nightmares engendered by the universe of American Horror Story?
Riverdale is one of the newest in the Series World Cup , yet it has as many chances as other shows. In just one season, Riverdale has won and found its audience, which is a bit different than American Horror Story. Obviously, if you love to shiver, this TV show is for you. For a little more sensitive souls, Riverdale will be just as well. However, on Sunday evening, only one will qualify for the quarter-finals. Who will Riverdale or American Horror Story get closer to the podium? It’s up to you to decide, everything can still switch. For this purpose, Do not forget to vote every day for your favorite series by clicking HERE or on Facebook . While waiting for the first estimates, find out who Gray’s Anatomy or Pretty Little Liars could win this competition! Which series do you want to see qualify?