Anne-Sophie Lapix denies having ousted David Pujadas of 20 hours of France 2 – Gala

Entertainment 24 August, 2017


Anne-Sophie Lapix is back to his appointment to the head of the 20 hours of France 2. The journalist, who had found his place in C to you, was very surprised to have been chosen as the successor of David Pujadas for the news of the public channel. A new challenge for the presenter, who is preparing for his first with a lot of pressure.

She made her farewell to the show C à vous, on June 23. Anne-Sophie Lapix has passed the torch to Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine, and prepares to replace David Pujadas the JT of 20 hours on France 2. Accused of having negotiated this position, the journalist has preferred to make things clear in an interview that she has given to TV Magazine. “David knows that I have nothing to do with its exclusion from the 20 hours “, she said. The decision belonged to Delphine Ernotte, and the presenter was not at all aware of what was happening. “I was very surprised “, she says.

His appointment has not earned that praise. “Critics, I’ve had many. I am sometimes angry when I hear or read lies. People have the right to think that I’m a failure and regret David Pujadas. I had an esteem boundless for him. It is a big pressure. But I can’t stop in front of this barrier, under the pretext that David was so good and that it is better that I stay at my “builds on Anne-Sophie Lapix. The reporter is not a woman who lets herself break down. If she said yes, it is that he is able or, at least, she will do anything to be. This challenge, she was not afraid of the challenge. “As always, when I accept a proposal, my priority is not to disappoint or not to leave thinking that this is a casting error. When you work in the media, there is constantly scrutinized, judged, ill-judged sometimes, but I accept it, “she says. […] I do everything to not take that into account. I’m not going to tell me : “I must be more pleasant because one is in 20 hours, and it is more quiet. “[…] I was not hired for it“, proclaims she.

The words that she will regret, perhaps, when we know that Julian Bugier is very wound of not having got the post he coveted so much, according to the sources of the magazine Here. This last would have even spent its time criticizing the leader of France 5 in the corridors of France Télévisions. Hope, then, that Anne-Sophie Lapix has armed courage to make his comeback on France 2.

Anne-Sophie Lapix

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