Arnold Schwarzenegger wants to challenge Robert Marchand, the 105-year-old French cyclist

Entertainment 6 January, 2017

Arnold Schwarzenegger has retrieved the incredible performance of cyclist Robert Marchand who has just set a new record at 105 and invites him to take the track with him.

Arnold Schwarzenegger bows to the performance of Robert Marchand, a French cyclist who just set a record at 105 years. On his Twitter account, the actor Terminator retweeted the information relayed by the BBC, commenting: ” It is an absolute inspiration and undeniable .”
At 70, the one that is known especially for his muscles developed by the practice of bodybuilding remained bogged down against the exploit realized by Robert Marchand. Admittedly, the man centenary traveled more than 22 kilometers an hour , an incredible distance to his advanced age. “Schwarzenegger” challenges him and said he was ” ready for a ride .”
The former governor of California is often seen on a bike. Having problems in the leg, cycling allows him to move more easily. According to Associated Press , Arnold Schwarzenegger was recently arrested by German police because he zigzagged bike in a subway station in Munich when he came to attend the beer festival, the Oktoberfest.
Disgusted by his aging body , the actor turned politician relies heavily on sports. He even created an annual event called the Arnold Classic , a multi-sports festival where weightlifters meet, chess champions, pole dance stars, and many others.