Arrow Season 5: Episode 8 SPOILER SPOILER and find themselves, hope for fans of the couple?
While the episode 8 of Season 5 of Arrow has enabled us to find familiar faces, should we see a hope for a couple very appreciated by the fans?
A hope for fans of the couple formed by Laurel and Oliver? And yes meltynautes, if we knew that the lovely Katie Cassidy is the heart of the crossover event aired on the CW , we had not imagined that the feelings of our hero Laurel would be as powerful. Indeed, in the alternative reality created by the Dominators, Oliver had absolutely no doubt that that was the love of his life. One way might be to please fans of the first hour and have always accepted the death of Black Canary. While the editorial ‘of melty proposed to discover all the characters who were back for the hundredth episode of Season 5 of Arrow , we had not seen Laurel and Oliver so in love from the very beginning of the show. Indeed, the heart of our hero had quickly succumbed to the charm of Felicity leaving no chance yet emblematic couple of comics. In this episode, is exactly quite the opposite as Green Arrow is madly in love with Laurel and waiting for the day of their wedding to be totally happy . We also remember the famous scene in which Oliver Laurel beg to escape to marry immediately.
Even as the young man began to remember his real life, he continued to hold on to the love he felt for her to reveal to her that it was the only thing that made sense to him. A beautiful statement which can certainly give back to the fans. And if Oliver had never really forgotten Laurel? Yes, he was deeply in love with Felicity, but is it possible that his feelings for Black Canary have still there? After all, hard to forget her first love, especially in the playoffs! Moreover, with time travel and parallel worlds, who knows? We could very well end up finding Laurel! And view their last meeting, Oliver could feel ready for it. One thing is certain, it was a very nice way to say goodbye to the young woman. Pending more information, discover all the promotional photos of the crossover event on melty. What do you think of the possibility of reviewing this couple together?