Arrow, The Flash: If Prometheus had orchestrated the reappearance SPOILER?
While the first part of season 5 of Arrow ended on a real cliffhanger, is it possible that Prometheus is behind the return SPOILER? Speculation!
Prometheus he has any orc HESTRE? And yes meltynautes difficult to have remained unmoved in the final scene of the final mid-season Arrow. Laurel is back and it seems alive and well. But how such a miracle he was able to happen when we remember the assassination of which she was the victim? As we know through the crossover, each insists that the pretty blonde was indeed killed by Damien Dark few months earlier. It is therefore clear that the Flashpoint has nothing to do with this, we have then another suspect who is also determined to hurt Oliver. While the editorial ‘of melty proposed to discover the secrets of Wendy Mericle about the dark turn that will take Felicity in season 5 of Arrow , Prometheus could finally be behind the return of Laurel. While the Big Bad of this new section knows so much about the team including their real identities, why could not learn much about The Flash and behind its red suit? So Prometheus seemed determined to have a mole within the team and that is also why he had joined Evelyn Sharp.
However, the young woman has now revealed that she was on the opposite side of Oliver and therefore she lost her advantage because everyone is wary of her. And if Prometheus had decided to enlist the services of another mole? And if he had gone Black Siren release from prison while The Flash heroes were busy fighting Savitar? This possibility is quite credible since Prometheus could have informed Black Siren of life of Oliver and give her some advice to look better to the Laurel of Earth-1. That would allow the big bad destabilize everyone continuing to have a stroke ahead of the Team . This hypothesis could be correct since the Winter Premiere will be entitled “Who are you?” and Stephen Amell has been very clear, each character will be wary and try to find out if he can trust the pretty blonde. But then, is this theory true? We have to wait the month of January to get to the bottom. Pending more information, remember that Stephen Amell was shocked by the mid-season finale of season 5 of Arrow on melty. What do you think of this theory?