Autism : a support insufficient in France, according to the Court of Accounts

Health 26 January, 2018


Published the 26.01.2018 at 15h06
Update the 26.01.2018 to 16.50


Keywords :

autismecour accounts

Years pass, but the balance sheet remains the same. On the eve of the fourth plan autism, a report of the court of accounts persists and signs : France does not know the care of her autistic. On all patients, 15% of children obtain a diagnosis and an early intervention – in-the-clear, which is recommended in the accompaniment.
In this report, that Europe 1 is provided, one also learns that about 1% of the population is concerned. And this portion feels very alone. Reading the balance sheet, we see children separated from their parents, their loved ones and, later, of the world of work. For many specialists, the isolation prevents healing for the child.

An institute of neuro-development

Other points are singled out by the investigation. The diagnosis of adult still very inadequate, the components of the offer of care and support are very poorly known, or even the absence of an institute of neuro-development to “organize and diversify” the search. In short, we are only at the beginning of the treatment of autism in France : “If the knowledge on the disorders of autism has increased in recent years (…), it still remains too incomplete,” says the president of the court of auditors, Didier Migaud. The question then arises of immediate solutions, as well as on the long-term. The parliamentary commission will first hear of the specialists to then advocate recommendations, within the framework of the new plan autism.

More screening for autism is early, most people with autism can integrate.

Autism, it is 3 categories of signs : difficulties to communicate, to establish social ties ; the children seem to be isolated in a kind of inner world. And behavior disorders are often difficult to analyze because all those you tell, gestures, repetitive, stereotypic, or the screams are real, but late

There has not, to this day, blood is taken or review of a radio, to screen for autism. A council, however, which can lead to a fresh examination, the so-called Eye-tracking – analysing the eye movements, which allows you to see if the baby, in the face of an adult who speaks to him, looks at his mouth, his eyes, his nose, or the surrounding objects. If you find that your child avoids the gaze, if he has a behaviour that you experience as ” abnormal “, talk to your doctor. It may be asked for this test to be promising, which is still in the study.

This is a serious disease when it is poorly cared for

There is often impossibility almost total communicate. Today, there is no medication. On the other hand, many exercises to do, which delay the worsening, and may allow a better socialization.
It is too often insufficient, much to the chagrin of parents and their relatives who live can sometimes be a real ordeal due to the lack of appropriate structures to support school, educational, social and therapeutic to their children.
One may be surprised that there is no clear rule and that the decision, for example, a school depends on the director or even the teacher. And it is all the more regrettable that the examples of successful integration are far more numerous than the failures, and that this may prove to be rewarding for everyone. However, associations of parents and professionals have been created to accompany people with autism and their families with support and educational support to families.
There are many autistic children who are of an intelligence very much above the average. The notion of repetition of the words or actions of which the cinema is extremely fond of – remember Rain man – is one of the characteristics. This does not, unfortunately, having difficulty to communicate. And at a time where communication is everywhere, it is a serious handicap.
We don’t know the, or the causes, but it feels like it is approach because the chemistry of the brain reveals gradually its secrets. It is believed that autism is a disorder of early developmental stages of the brain.

The state spends about € 7 billion for the care of patients, to limited success. Also remember that this subject is taken particularly to heart in the Elysée and not the president. The first lady spoke several times about it.