Bed bugs love dirty clothes

Health 1 October, 2017


Published the 01.10.2017 at 10h27


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Bed bugs love your blood, but if they have not found a pantry in the area, they will hide away in your dirty clothes and you come to expect. A study published in Scientific Reports shows how these harmful bacteria live in the dirty laundry and calls to ward off any garment lying area when we travel to avoid the spread of bed bugs.

To conduct their study, William Hentley and his colleagues have placed four travel bags in the rooms. Two bags contained clothing worn half a day and the other two of the clean clothes.

Not accidental

“We have established that, in the absence of their human hosts, bed bugs leave their shelter and gather in the bags containing soiled clothing,” the researchers explain.

According to the study, bed bugs were two times more likely to have preferred the dirty clothes, smelling of human.

It was thought that bed bugs were falling accidentally on the clothes or in the luggage after a good meal of blood. But according to the results of this study, the pests seek our worn clothes.


The authors suggest therefore to leave the luggage outside of the areas of sleeping rooms, these areas where they wait for their prey to fall asleep, so that they do not leave with the travelers.

Bed bugs are now experiencing a resurgence important. They have invaded the United States and a part of Europe so that they move at the speed of an ant and do not know how to fly.

However, these harmful, which it is very difficult to get rid of, may have a significant impact on health and on the quality of life of people. Their bites cause severe itching.