Big Little Lies: Episode 6, perfections and illusions, our critic

Last night HBO was broadcasting a new episode of his miniseries Big Little Lies and you can discover our review of “Burning Love”.
There’s only one episode left, and a week ago the criticism of Episode 5 of Big Little Lies was delivered to you , the penultimate episode entitled “Burning Love” and aired on HBO and OCS city that we are interested this week. Since the beginning of the series, the murder that is supposed to be central to history disappears a little more before the intrigues of Jane, Celeste and Madeline and we begin to think that it really served only as a pretext to tell us Their complex lives . Let’s start with Celeste (Nicole Kidman) who is finally making real progress thanks to his therapist, always brilliantly played by Robin Weigert. The latter is pushing her to confront reality and realizing that Perry will not stop, Perry will not shrink from anything, and that it is time for her to consider a rescue, both literally and figuratively , If she wants to survive her marriage. After having literally broken the ego – in two different places – Celeste decides to look for another apartment in Monterey, near its landmarks, but away from Perry and its threats of dead now explicit. The series continues to address domestic violence head on, but with a poignant accuracy that shows us the many and complex strings of this trap so widespread in our societies. Figuratively, if she wants to survive her marriage. After having literally broken the ego – in two different places – Celeste decides to look for another apartment in Monterey, near its landmarks, but away from Perry and its threats of dead now explicit. The series continues to address domestic violence head on, but with a poignant accuracy that shows us the many and complex strings of this trap so widespread in our societies. Figuratively, if she wants to survive her marriage. After having literally broken the ego – in two different places – Celeste decides to look for another apartment in Monterey, near its landmarks, but away from Perry and its threats of dead now explicit. The series continues to address domestic violence head on, but with a poignant accuracy that shows us the many and complex strings of this trap so widespread in our societies.
On the side of Jane (Shailene Woodley), the struggle against the demons of the past continues and we learn from her discussion with Madeline that no, the man she was seeing was actually not the one who Violated. More than a thirst for vengeance, the young mother struggles mainly for her son and her quest goes from the search for the aggressor in search of Ziggy’s father. Once again, Jane expresses her need to believe that the one who shares his DNA with his son is not a finished garbage, even if he finds an apology . A coherent behavior that probably helps him not to go mad and believe that Ziggy will necessarily inherit his violent tendencies. For in school the nightmare continues and a petition has been presented to dismiss the young boy. A low blow which continues to maintain the many tensions among the inhabitants of Monterey but which finally, also triggers the beginning of a resolution with Renata whose even little Amabella swears that Ziggy is a nice boy. This intrigue opens a glimmer of hope for Ziggy and Jane but also paints us Renata in a finally human and vulnerable, showing that the two mothers have more in common than one might think.
Finally, Madeline (Reese Witherspoon) is faced with many obstacles that force her, finally, to lower her guard and vocalize her imperfections. The fact that she chooses her daughter to open herself, and whether it is more a call for help than a moral discourse after discovering Abigail’s “secret project” does not make the scene Than more powerful. His disarming honesty also plunges us into the dramatic atmosphere of the series after a scene of almost comical discomfort between Bonnie, Ed, Madeline and Nathan . It must be said that the last days were exhausting for Madeline who attended the ” Opening of the play she had to retire followed by a speech probably necessary but not less difficult with Ed on their sexuality. Throughout the episode, the young woman struggled against the passion she felt for Joseph before finally crunching in front of her daughter who took her for the perfect woman. A bitter-sweet end in the image of the series that completes her portrayal of complex and engaging women whose faults are also the greatest strengths. The shadows in the lives of Celeste, Madeline and Jane merely emphasize their inner light and we admit to you that the approach of the final series saddens us and we hope that it will not focus too much on the murder to catch up lost time. In the meantime, Find out which other series are shown this week with our weekly program . And you, what did you think of the episode?