Blue Protect : a revolution in trompe-l’oeil

Health 8 December, 2017


Published the 08.12.2017 at 14: 00


Keywords :

light bleueécrantablettes

The blue light is more and more talk of it : it is the one of our screens, the one that is not devoid of toxicity for the vision. It is actually implicated in the emergence of problems of the retina (macular degeneration) and lens (cataract).

Because of this, different companies have created a technology that enables the eye to defend himself. The first study dates from 1966, it will be followed by the work of Marshall in 1972. But in the past few years, the theory is put into practice. The market of eyewear is witnessing a new generation of field glasses that protect from blue light : “It is a filter included in a glass ophthalmic stopping specifically the wavelengths of light between 420 and 460 nm, details Alice Robert, opticienne graduate Alain Afflelou. It is a great step forward because the harmfulness of blue light no longer debate today. “The consensus, however, is not so obvious.

The eye does not rest

The blue light is not an evil or a good in itself, simply, she interacts daily with our eyes. In clear, it is a light short-wave which emanates more energy than a yellow light, or red (magenta). The eye needs it for work and in the evening, he seeks to recover from his effort. Therefore, it is more claimant to light yellow-orange.

The problem comes from the fact that we impose screens (tv, computer, phone…) rich in blue light from the device LED. As a result, the eye does not rest, and the fatigue even more. It is this fatigue that defenders play the ” Blue Protect “.

Disagreements among specialists

“Ophthalmologists have participated in the first leader in the studies on blue light, provides Alice Robert. The most famous in France was conducted by the institut de la vision, offshoot of the Centre National Hospital of Ophthalmology of 15-20, with at its head the professor Sahel. “Yet all do not share his point of view :” Already, there is nothing to prove the harmfulness of this blue light on the cones ” (retinal cells perceiving colours including Cyan = blue), we affirmed an ophthalmologist lyonnais. “Also, it is not demonstrated that it would promote or exacerbate diseases such as AMD, macular degeneration is age-related. “

The evidence of the benefits of this technology is therefore not proven. To reconcile the two points of view, the Blue Protect is shown to be useful in some cases : “For my part, I never recommended to my patients,” insists the doctor. But I explain to them that it may relieve those who work 8 hours per day on screens. “