Brad Pitt divorced by Angelina Jolie and still as skinny, new photos unveiled!

In the process of divorce with Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt continues to appear leaner than ever. A worrying state of health?
Between Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, the war is declared again . While the ex- Brangelina had found a solution to avoid tensions, nothing is going on lately. The actor is furious against his ex-wife and intends to let him know. As a reminder and if we believe the revelations of Radar Online , Brad Pitt would accuse Angelina Jolie of being negligent with their progeny. According to the comedian, the heroine of Malefic would have left her six children in the company of an incompetent nurse. Under the supervision of the latter, The little Vivienne would have hurt her head after a fall in a park in London while her twin brother Knox would have been seen on the handlebars of the bicycle that the nanny was rolling. One more scandal for the ex-couple! But while the court battle rages between the two movie stars, Brad Pitt who could then get full custody of his children , continues to show more emaciated than ever …
Is Brad Pitt ‘s condition worrisome? This is probably the question that many internet users ask themselves. For cause, new photos – to see HERE and HERE – of the very thin actor have just made their appearance on the Web. Concentrated on his sculpture project, the 53-year-old actor never stops spending his time in his Los Angeles art studio . And while he was coming back, some paparazzi photographed him. Internet users quickly became concerned that the interpreter of Benjamin Button was unrecognizable. Some British media such as the Sun even went so far as to write that Brad Pitt, A shirt and jeans, was unkempt . You are left to make your own opinion. However, while it is true that his recent weight loss may be of concern, Maddox ‘s dad rather looks fit on these shots. Hopefully this is the case! Do you think we should be worried about Brad Pitt?