“Brigitte Macron has suffered attacks on its age” – Gala

Entertainment 13 September, 2017


Philippe Besson, a friend of the couple Macron, recounts the manner in which the latter have seen the rumors and the attacks inherent to the presidential campaign.

Rumors, reviews, on the age of Brigitte Macron… In his book ” a character in A novel, Philippe Besson conjures up the way in which the couple Macron has crossed over to the election campaign of a rare violence. Excerpt from the interview of the writer.


Gala : You’re saying that the rumor of homosexuality Emmanuel Macron made you fall out of the cabinet.

P. B. : It was as absurd as if someone had told me that Emmanuel Macron was black (laughs). The fact that the rumor has if well taken, is the sign of a society still homophobic and misogynistic. A man could not live with an older woman, except to be a gay or a gigolo ! I first thought that it was wrong to state publicly this urban legend, then I realized that it was a declaration of love to his wife, who has suffered from rumor and attacks on his age. I regret that you had not quite understood the feminists react on the subject.


Gala : You say that Brigitte Macron reassures traditional women and also appeals to the more modern. How do you see it ?

P. B. : This is someone incredibly free. It does not do what she does not wish to do so. It is also more modern than her husband. In particular in his tastes cultural. (…)

Find the entire interview in Gala in kiosks today.

Brigitte Trogneux

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