Cancer of the cervix : the HAS approved the Gardasil 9
Published the 11.10.2017 at 19: 14
Keywords :
HPVvaccincancer of the cervix
A new vaccine against infection with human papillomavirus (HPV) will arrive on the French market. The High Authority of Health (HAS) has proposed October 11th that this new vaccine, called Gardasil 9, is paid. This formula includes the virus strains 6, 11, 16 and 18 – like-the Gardasil already on the market, as well as the serotypes 31, 33, 45, 52 and 58.
But not sure it will be sufficient to convince young girls to be vaccinated. Because, the French shun the HPV vaccination. Has just 20% of the young women targeted by this vaccination are immune to, while the goal set by the Cancer Plan 2014-2019, which is 60 %.
Vaccination against these viruses would prevent 90 % of the 3 000 cases of cervical cancer of the uterus and approximately 1 000 deaths due to this cancer. Today, this cancer is one of the only ones for which the 5-year survival of women decreases.
The infection is also the cause of 500 cancers of the vulva, 300 cancers of the vagina and 1 in 100 cancers of the anus per year.
As effective as other vaccines
Last April, the High Council for public Health (HCSP) has reported that clinical trials comparing Gardasil and Gardasil 9 showed a comparable effectiveness, as well as a reduction of more than 96 % of infections by the 5 new strains of HPV contained in the vaccine. The scientific literature shows, moreover, that no difference in tolerance was not observed.
Convinced of the effectiveness of Gardasil 9, the HAS recommends, therefore, to repay this new vaccine. On the other hand, “the additional impact expected from Gardasil 9 is low on the whole population, it can’t justify a higher price for Gardasil,” says the health care agency. “If the community wants to invest in the fight against cancer of the cervix, the issue is now clearly in the strengthening of immunization coverage and the use of screening “, she adds.
In fact, barely one in two women between 25 and 65 years of age is not regularly tested. Gold, nine cancers of the cervix out of ten heal very well if they are detected early.