Case of the Lévothyrox : complaint for ” lack of information “

Health 24 October, 2017


Published the 24.10.2017 to 13h21


Keywords :

Lévothyroxjusticedéfaut information

According to a press release, 1 200 records are being established and every day, thirty records are filed at the office. It will be added to the 108 records that will help to Master Christophe Lèguevaques to drop tomorrow, Wednesday, 25 October 2017, the 108 first assignments against MERCK in the court of Lyon. It is expected to then submit 100 new cases of complainants each week. And until the first hearing fixed by the tribunal of Lyon in the 18 December 2017.

Me Christophe Lèguevaques justifies the clocking of the following way : “We have chosen to spread out the time of the referral, in order not to stifle justice and enable the court of first instance of Lyon to save serenely these thousands of files. From our side, we need the time to check individually the thousands of requests we have already received in less than a month. Knowing that we receive on average thirty new applications per day “.

A “defect information”

For memory, the adverse reactions reported since the arrival of the new Levothyrox would be due to “an imbalance of the thyroid” caused by the change of formula, not to the new formula itself, according to the survey of pharmacovigilance of the MSNA. “No adverse effects of a new type, which would be specific to the single new formula has not yet been found “.

It is this that explains the assignment to Me Lèguevaques aims to demonstrate legally the responsibility of the laboratories MERCK because of ” a lack of information of patients about the consequences scientifically predictable from the substitution of a new formula for the LEVOTHYROX® to his old form “.

Still according to the press release, ” indeed, MERCK has placed on the market in march 2017 a new formula for the LEVOTHYROX® without any prior information of patients on this change that could lead to potential side effects. Yet, according to the medical literature and bioequivalence tests, in laboratories MERCK were fully aware of the risks and knew that 5 to 7% of patients should do in the face of disturbances more or less important “.