Consumption of drugs among adolescents, mindfulness, and listening to parents are fundamental

Health 6 December, 2017


Published the 05.12.2017 at 14h26


Keywords :


Parents who constantly monitor their children and their activities, as well as their relationships, save a lot of problems in adolescence, and in particular vis-à-vis the risk of over-consumption of alcohol and drugs.
The likelihood of these problems decreases even more if, in addition to having a strict rule, the parents have an open dialogue with them and are present in their everyday life.
The research work at the origin of these results has been conducted at the Federal University of São Paulo, with 6 381 children aged 11 to 15 years, and in six brazilian cities. The results have just been published in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence.

A typology of the profiles parental

This was to see if the styles of parental education are associated with a particular profile of consumption of different drugs. To this end, the styles of education have been aggregated into four different groups, according to the assessment of adolescents and criteria established in the scientific literature.
The profiles were scored based on the degree of monitoring by parents of their children’s activities and the degree of sensitivity to the needs of children. Parents with high scores in both areas were classified as ” authoritative “. Those with good results in the only requirement is a rule of life, have been classified as ” authoritarian “. The parents who were watching, or the activities of their children, nor the rules required, but listened to them were considered ” lenient “. Finally, the latter have been classified as ” careless “.

Styles education and behaviors of the adolescent

In agreement with the results of surveys in other countries, the style of “authoritative” is the style of education that is the most protective for children and adolescents. In terms of protection vis-à-vis the consumption of trogue, he is followed by parents only “authoritarian” or just ” forgiving “.

As the researchers point out in this article, the parents clearly “careless” expose adolescents to a serious risk of addiction to alcohol and drugs.