Cyril Hanouna wants to open the “Baba School” : “A free school, open to all” – Gala

Entertainment 24 January, 2018


Cyril Hanouna does not forget the challenges he faced when he began his career. Today star of the small screen, the presenter has a major project : to open a school, open to all, to prepare students for careers in the audiovisual sector.

Cyril Hanouna, soon to be a teacher ? The host Key not at my post could go even further and open an outright school, the ” Hippie School “, the nickname given to it by the viewers. The project : an institution ” free of charge, open to all to learn about the business of the audiovisual (editing, production, animation, radio, tv…)”, he explained to our colleagues from Télé Loisirs on Wednesday, January 24.

An idea inspired by the difficulties that Cyril Hanouna has himself encountered when he wanted to train her for her future work. “When I wanted to start, there was a school and it was very expensive. I have not been able to do it, he said. There are lots of young people who want to do these trades, but who do not have the means”, regretted the moderator star C8.

Students with disabilities are an integral part of the project of the producer, which is very sensitive to their cause. “It is true that today in the schools, it is difficult to integrate people with disabilities. All schools, all colleges should have the structures to accommodate everyone. I hope that this project will make in the years to come, ” said Cyril Hanouna.

Assist viewers is really a genuine concern for the presenter to not Touch my position and Little Big Stars, his new show aired Thursday, January 25. During his prime Baba Christmas, it was offered at two times, at the end of the year 2016 and 2017, a roof to a family in need. A little bit of light so as not to sink into the many controversies which have surrounded his show, there are still a few months.

Photo credit : CVS / Bestimage

Cyril Hanouna

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