Discreet about his daughter Giulia, Carla Bruni says she is (already) good at music Gala
Giulia Sarkozy is good at singing, according to his mother Carla Bruni. The former model is delivered with a rare confidence on his daughter during an interview for Her.
Carla Bruni seems to have inherited the taste for music from his biological father, Maurizio Remmert. Evidenced by two photos, described in an interview granted to the journalist and author Monica Sabolo for It. One of the photos is of her, and the other of its progenitor, the father and daughter, each leaning on a guitar , and showing an uncanny resemblance. The singer has, however, been raised by Alberto Bruni-Tedeschi, it was not until the age of 29, she finally met her dad biological. “It was amazing how much we are similar, I’m not talking about the major features of the life, but any small details : a way of being, of moving, of living. I tell myself that everything is atavistic in our lives can be. Everything spreads so mysterious and fascinating “, ” sliding-t-it.
That which has been sent by his father was also, obviously, passed on to Giulia. Carla Bruni has acknowledged that his daughter, the top of its six years, was also sensitive to the melody and a gift for singing that his mother and his grandfather- that has confirmed the journalist. “When the little blonde 6 year old enters the room, on tip-toe, pinching her little fingers to the strings of a guitar from his mother, from which it is approached, the air of nothing, it is said that, yes, without a doubt, everything is atavism, a transmission secret of the heart of beings,” says Monica Sabolo. A confidence rather rare – the ex-First lady protects a lot Giulia. We do not know a little about the girl, even his face is carefully concealed when his mom posts a photo of it on the social networks.
Carla Bruni-Sarkozy
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