Do you want to “reflect” on love stories among friends? Mate these movies

Cinema 12 April, 2017

To think of it is one thing, to want it yet another. But then doing it is often risky. And make a movie too, it’s a snap.
Okay, these are films called “unpretentious” but good anyway … Must really watch them when you’re in love mode, otherwise it’s heavy. And although they do not last a long time, it may seem long! In any case, here is a list of movies that talk about love and feelings among friends. You do what you want, no problem. Some can make you laugh and are not so bad, so it goes.
Sex with friends
Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis in plan mode ass but not really, attracted but frightened, we want and then we no longer know. In short, a story that will not remain in the annals but the duo of actors works rather well and it’s funny. So it looks. A romantic comedy with beautiful shots of New York .
Sex friends
A film that talks more about friendship than ass in the end, and therefore disappointed some. The psychological side and advice to women has weighed heavier, already not supported by an Ashton Kutcher as charismatic as usual. That is to say, without charism, precisely . For the guys, the positive point remains to see Natalie Portman in underwear. Otherwise it’s cliché and predictable.
Bad Teacher
Then clearly, it is based on Cameron Diaz and point bar. Alcoholic and somewhat vulgar, she sends. She is having fun. So much the better. For you, it will not be the grand regalade, you smile more than you laugh and avoid quiet laughter. Well, when you do not want to think, to see Cameron Diaz washing a car, why not .
Love, and other drugs
In the background, the film is coherent since it is based on the Jamie-Maggie couple. Played by Jale Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway. Okay, they play well. And we like to watch movies that talk about love, when it’s done well. Despite the good feelings and the touching scenes, it never really takes off . Medicines and sickness are a bit of the stuff, in the idea, it must be recognized. After that, it’s all cooked.
When Harry meets Sally
Older than others and more successful. Is it related? Perhaps. But it’s not just that! The subject (boat) is treated with humor, the dialogues make laugh, the actors play well … and it does not stretch in length for nothing (1h36). Love, humor, efficiency, it passes . Sally (Meg Ryan) resembles the prototype of the attaching girl, Harry is the basic guy, but will know how it is done. And it launches the famous debate: is it good to be friends before?
The wedding of my best friend
A beautiful confrontation between the redhead and the blonde. Between Julia Roberts and Cameron Diaz. It’s funny, lively, there are scenes where you get married (cf karaoke) and the end is not too cliché . Well, that’s what it was, a successful romantic comedy, also from the 90s. Before we were drunk, maybe. And Rupert Everett regale with his phlegm and his humor, in addition to pleasing to the feminine gender obviously. Which do you prefer?