Edouard Philippe (issuance policy) : Why his wife Edith Chabre doesn’t want to live in Matignon – Gala

Entertainment 28 September, 2017


Edward Phillippe and his wife Edith Chabre will not settle down at the hotel Matignon, the official residence of the Prime minister. The wife of the head of the government has decided otherwise.

The private apartments of the hôtel de Matignon will remain empty. The wife of Edouard Philippe, Edith Chabre, does not want to live there. The prime minister has explained this choice to our colleagues from Paris Match : “She has a busy professional life and does not intend to change it. It was very early in the choice to decouple our activities. “Executive director of the school of law of Sciences Po Paris and director of administration and development of the Camondo school (private institute of Decorative Arts), Edith Chabre, 47 years old, has always been the primer of his career.

When Edouard Philippe was elected mayor of le Havre in 2010, his wife had already made the choice to stay at Paris, by post to Sciences Po since 2009. Brooding the hotel Matignon, Edith Chabre follows in the footsteps of Anne Gravoin, the wife violinist of the former prime ministreManuel Valls, who preferred the simplicity of his home in the 11th district of paris to the luxury of the apartments of the Republic.

The prime minister in office since the 15th of last may only lodge not in the rue de Varennes, in the prestigious hôtel particulier in the 7th arrondissement of Paris, except when his days are prolonged, and that it is forced to end his night. There is, however, installed his office, “a merry mess ” topped its objects of predilection : “a sword of the officer, anchor marine, the large roller on which his daughter had painted a ladybird“. And to let off some steam, Edouard Philippe can uncheck a few uppercuts in the gym. A practice that fond of Manuel Valls.

Married for 15 years and parents of three children (Anatol, 14, Leonard, age 12 and Sarah, age 7), Edouard Philippe and Edith Chabre share all the same moments sometimes out of the ordinary. “For [it], I will swim in Coutainville, in the English Channel. I immerse myself in water at 16°C by love “, had entrusted the second of the government to Gaël Tchakaloff for his book Rabbit and wonders. Private life, public life, the couple apply it to make the difference.

Édouard Philippe, Edith Chabre

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