Elise Lucet : the death of the father of her daughter, the drama of his life – Gala

Entertainment 16 January, 2018


In 2011, Elise Lucet has lost the man of her life. Martin Bourgeois, her husband, the father of her daughter, died of disease, at the age of 42 years.

Elise Lucet is known for his intransigence. In Cash Investigation, she does not hesitate to tackle large bosses as policies. And if his methods have the gift of offending some people, they are not less effective. In addition to the issue of investigation, the journalist has also been at the head of the journal de 13h sur France 2 until 2016. It is, therefore, a face known to the general public. But her private life, she is significantly less.

The interviewer lies in its intimacy and, therefore, focusing on discretion. But, on rare occasions, it opens and reveals her emotions. Talking about her husband, who died in 2011. Martin Bourgeois was the man of her life. The one that has given him a desire to start a family. The couple was married in 2006 and had welcomed his first child, a daughter named Rose, in 2007. The small was only 4 years old, and his mother, 47, when they have had to cope with his death. At the time, despite the grief, Elise Lucet had kept the orders of the JT. The opportunity for her to give thanks in public to those who had been there for her : “I really wanted to personally thank all those of you who have sent me a message of support. It was heart-warming. I had the feeling of having a very very large family, all of a sudden. ”

His job was “the backbone” that allowed him to stand, told to TV Mag in 2013. In spite of his sadness, she continues to move forward, for her daughter as for herself. In 2015, she said : “When one has lived this kind of things, we are no longer afraid of much of anything. “This perhaps explains why she was never afraid to tackle anyone for his stories. Journalist accomplished, Elise Lucet also ensures on a daily basis on his daughter and refuses to miss the important moments of the life of the latter, which already seems to hold his mother : ” after my parents, she looks like me when I was a child. She already has such a character… “ This promises.

Photo credits : Agence / Bestimage

Élise Lucet

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