Emmanuel Macron: his presidential race adapted in a video game

Entertainment 20 December, 2016

A game for smartphone, ” In March to the Elysee ,” gives the opportunity to play Emmanuel Macron in full campaign for the 2017 presidential election The reason for his character “Perfect for political fiction.”

You want to slip into the skin of Emmanuel Macron by implementing a strategy, receiving the advice of Brigitte Macron , communicating by text with Gilles Bouleau , or even by sending a few well-chosen tackles Francois Fillon or some pollsters Too hurry? Do not search anymore ! The ” On the way to the Elysee “, created by the French start-up Celestery and available on iOS and Android, allows this.
You are free to embody so, now, the founder of the Running! In his race to the supreme function. But why Emmanuel Macron? Pierre Lacombe, founder Celestory explained to our colleagues in the newspaper L’Express: ” Our choice was quickly ported to Emmanuel Macron because it’s perfect for political fiction. Its program is not yet completed and its positioning is therefore difficult to anticipate. That leaves plenty of opportunities for players . ”
The leader confident that this app is mainly a way to showcase the technology of ” interactive narrative ” developed by his company, also highlights being no contact with the politician : ” We are completely disconnected teams Mr Macron but if he wants to try the application, maybe it’s he really help you be elected … ” .
Meanwhile, the game marked by the site Numerama is revealed in his feelings – to believe the computer reference media and digital on the net – ” quickly boring … especially because of answers which put for ages to s’ display . ”
The creator of the application, however, promises ” several days ” game users before arriving – or not – rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré: ” Every decision, every dialogue has an important influence on the chances of the candidate to achieve his Purposes. The goal is really to provide the richest possible experience . ” Note that you can not dance zouk as just done Emmanuel Macron in Guadeloupe, the application is not yet available for virtual reality helmets.