Emmanuel Macron upset that it refuses to shake her hand : “I’m nice” – Gala

Entertainment 6 September, 2017


Travelers in le Touquet at the end of August, Emmanuel Macron has done in the face of a citizen refusing to shake her hand. Between lesson of good citizenship, and in cold blood, the head of the State has responded in its own way.

Shake a hand (or not) says a lot about his intentions. It reminds us of Nicolas Sarkozy, extending his hand to a visitor to the Agricultural Show in 2008. The President of the Republic had seen to oppose an end of receive before you let go of a Casse-toi pauvre con ! “ now recorded in the heritage policy. The same problem is arrived on the 26th August last to Emmanuel Macron. The reaction of the head of State, faithful to a plan of communication-oiled machine, was another.

Our colleagues from the Daily have recorded an exchange is brief and intense, while the President of the Republic was on a trip to le Touquet. During a walkabout, the politician is posted in front of a passer-by who refused to greet him. Far from being abashed, Emmanuel Macron, asked the man if he was okay before lecturing them : ” You know, salute, that is, of politeness, ( … ), I’m good with people “. What his interlocutor has simply responded with a ” I’m nice too ” before you impose a “Not totally” by Emmanuel Macron, who wanted to have the last word.

In a free-fall in the polls, the head of the State has shown more restraint than its predecessor. The ombudsman had previously indicated to Emmanuel Macron that he would be ” next year ” to greet him, certainly with the hope that the politician straightens France and has lived up to its commitments. It is not certain that he can have a second chance to shake the hand of the president.

Photo credit : Christian Liewig/Pool/Bestimage

Emmanuel MacronNicolas Sarkozy

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