Endocrine disruptors : the baby at risk even at low dose

Health 29 September, 2017


Published the 29.09.2017 at 18: 14


Keywords :

disruptive endocriniensdéveloppementcomportementcerveau

Withdrawal, and hyperactivity, relational disorders… These emotional and behavioural problems are more observed in boys exposed to large quantities of endocrine disruptors during pregnancy, reports a French study published in Environmental Health Perspectives.

This work conducted by Inserm are based on the follow-up of more than 500 children born between 2003 and 2006, as well as their mother in the region of Poitiers and Nancy. The 3rd and 5th anniversaries of the participants, the mothers completed questionnaires designed to assess certain aspects of the behavior of their children. The results of these questionnaires were then compared to the dosages of endocrine disruptors in the urine of the mothers.

These samples show that between 70 and 100 per cent of the mothers included in the cohort Eden have been exposed to these toxic substances. Their urine contained, in particular, bisphenol A (a molecule prohibited from 2015 in France in the food containers), of triclosan (the chemical in antibacterial soaps) and methylparaben (plasticizer in PVC or nail varnish).

These phthalates and phenols affect the neurodevelopment of the children by disrupting the axis of the thyroid of the mothers, explains to Pourquoidocteur Rémy Slama, manager of works and chairman of the scientific board of the national research Programme on endocrine disruptors (PNRPE).

What are the main findings of your study ?
Rémy Slama : We have found that exposure to bisphenol A is associated with an increase of relational disorders at 3 years and hyperactivity in the 5 year old boy.
We also found that DBP, another phthalate, is linked to greater emotional, relational and behavioral decline in 3 years. This had already been shown in a cohort of children in New York a few years ago.

For triclosan, DEHP, we especially highlight the emotional problems at 3 and 5 years. This is the first time that such an effect is observed for triclosan because few teams were able to measure on such a large scale on pregnant women and follow in the long-term children.


the full interview with Rémy Slama, president of the scientific council of the national research Programme on endocrine disruptors (PNRPE)

Almost all of the women were exposed to these molecules. However, this does not mean that all children with disorders ?
Rémy Slama : Not actually. The figures on this exhibit are not surprising. It is known that we are exposed to hundreds of chemicals, and that some, including endocrine disruptors, can pass through the placenta and reach the fetus.

On the other hand, this is not because all the world is exposed that the effects will be visible in all of the world. It is necessary, moreover, to insist on the fact that in our study we do not study diseases, but the increase in some behaviors, such as hyperactivity reported by parents. The children we studied were not children sick.

The fact remains that the effects are observed at low doses, and observed a disruption of the nervous system can cause fears to the increase of certain clinical disorders.