EXCLUDED – Fanny Agostini : “With Henri, We’re getting married next June” – Gala

Entertainment 23 January, 2018


At 29 years of age, the ex-Miss Meteo BFM TV is a contented wife. She holds the bar of the show navy of France 3, and is preparing to marry Henri Landes, his companion for more than two years.

An engaged couple. Fanny, in command of the show Thalassa*, has found the perfect playground to combine his love of the great outdoors and her fight for the environment. Henri, himself, is the executive director of the foundation ecologist GoodPlanet. Lovers very nature.

Gala : How did you met with Henri ?

Fanny Agostini : During a debate that he held at the national Assembly, where he worked as an adviser to Claude Bartolone on environmental issues. He confessed later to having had a lightning strike, but this was not reciprocal. Until the day where we have ended up taking a coffee. I then saw another eye. I was captivated by his career, his commitment to nature and the environment. There, I had a bit of heart.

Gala : when your story has taken a turn more romantic ?

F. A. : I am on vacation, but after numerous exchanges of SMS and calls with Henri, I got them shortened to go back to Paris and find him. He was waiting for me at the gare de Bercy, and when I saw it happen to me, I understood that he was the man with whom I wanted to be. We’re getting married next June.

Gala : Henri, tell us about your marriage proposal…

Henri Landes : A year after the reunion that Fanny had made, I asked him for his hand in the same station of Bercy, a symbolic place in our history. I didn’t know Fanny had prepared me a surprise in the same place, with messages broadcast through the speakers and videos on the screens ! From my side, I had brought a carriage and horses… When we met, I put one knee to the earth, and all the people around us started to applaud.

Gala : Do you want children ? Do you want to start a big family ?

F. A. : Two children, it would go very well. If we were to have more, we would spend by the adoption… That is always a dilemma when it is a woman of television : this is never a good time to get pregnant. What I can tell you is that when I have children, I will commit no nanny. I hope to be able to take them with me when shooting, at any age. I am really too difficult to leave.

* The issue of January, devoted to the Mont-Saint-Michel, is back in the replay surfrance.tv.

Read the full the interview in Gala in kiosks tomorrow.

Photo credits : @benjamindecoin

Fanny Agostini

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