EXCLUDED – Geneviève de Fontenay does not want to Miss in a bikini ? Sylvie Tellier replied. – Gala

Entertainment 8 December, 2017


They swear : Genevieve de Fontenay and Sylvie Tellier get along well. They eat lunch together regularly and write emails. And it is precisely because they can just say that the Lady in the hat did not hesitate to express his disagreement to the one who succeeded him.

It does not seek to deny the facts, Sylvie Tellier. The head of the organization Miss France is indeed in disagreement with Geneviève de Fontenay, who preceded him in the post, on the opportunity to scroll through the Miss bikini on the evening of the election. And the lady in the hat did not hesitate to him to rewrite it recently. “Genevieve has circulated an e-mail she sent me last week. I know : she likes to disclose our conversations and our exchange… But in fact, it is a subject on which we are not in agreement for years ! ” explains Sylvie Tellier.

She expands : “Since I got to Miss the parade in one-piece bathing suit for the table opening to thirty, and these are only the twelve are selected, who are then in two parts “. And adds that Geneviève de Fontenay has never approved this choice. “Which is strange because, in the history of Miss France, there was a time when mIss paraded already in two pieces, well before my arrival, and Genevieve was already there !” plays the director of the company.

Genevieve condemns “americanization of the show” and a presentation of the Miss bikini as “bait sex” ? Sylvie says : “It has been a very long time that she says! We know : it is not a client of the shows Victoria’s Secret, or client of Miss Universe. It is a story of generation. Me, I’m from a time where women have the right to assert their femininity, not to hide under the pretext that today there are problems of harassment. Also, it would be more likely to stalkers go go… “

While the production teams of the election of the new Miss France are preparing for the big night, the 16th of December on TF1, the director of the organization confirms that during the evening, a reference will be made to violence against women, in connection with the current heavy these last few weeks.

No hard feelings, Sylvie Tellier concluded with an anecdote of the time when Genevieve and she were still working in pairs, ” I chose a one-piece bathing suit with a cut on the belly, Genevieve, and I had had him crying. But you know, she does not think evil. It is a way to start a debate and to participate in the show, who prepares and who certainly lack “.

Photo credits : ©Bestimage

Sylvie Tellier,Geneviève de Fontenay

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