Fear The Walking Dead Season 3: Why do the military protect the Mexican border?

A few months before the release of season 3 of Fear The Walking Dead, a small return on the armed militia that captured Nick and Luciana.
We’ll have to wait a long time before we meet Madison Clark and her group and Melty continues to help you wait. After being asked what Fear The Walking Dead could fly to The Walking Dead for success , we are interested in the intrigues of season 3 and especially on the Mexican border. As a reminder, the season finale of season 2 of FTWD showed us Nick and Luciana to be captured by a hostile armed militia and it is very possible that Oelia had the same fate . We do not yet know where these men are coming from and what they are going to do with Nick, Luciana and Ofelia but another major question arises in these times of zombie apocalypse: Why do they keep the border? When Nick and the Colonians approached, the soldiers shot them without question, obviously wanting to stop them from going to the United States. But is this really the priority when the undead are invading the world?
On the contrary, the most logical thought would be to gather as many living human beings as possible to increase the chances of survival, but it is known that many groups of survivors do not think very logically. For some, this apocalyptic situation is the perfect excuse to make the terror prevail and this is what the armed forces seem to do at the end of season 2 . Their hostility may be due to the fact that they do not want to get people bitten or infected, but pulling first and then asking questions is still a particularly barbaric method. Other explanations exist as the fact that their base could be a protected place and banned civilians, Whether it is their method of stealing the survivors’ resources or that no one has given them an explicit order to stop protecting the border. In any case, we hope to have more explanations on those who might well be the main enemies of Alicia, Madison, Nick and the others in the next season. While waiting to learn more, we already wondered who was going to die in season 3 of Fear The Walking Dead. And you what do you think ? Is already asked who was going to die in season 3 of Fear The Walking Dead. And you what do you think ? Is already asked who was going to die in season 3 of Fear The Walking Dead. And you what do you think ?