Flavie Flament revolted reacts to the statements of Brigitte Lahaie rape – Gala

Entertainment 11 January, 2018


In the aftermath of the passage at once noticed and criticized by Brigitte Lahaie on the plateau de BFM TV, Flavie Flament, outraged, responded to the comments of the former actress of charm via his account Instagram.

48 hours were enough for the tension rises a notch. Wednesday, 11 January, the day after the publication by several personalities of a tribune in le Monde newspaper seeking to defend the freedom to annoy, one of the signatories of the text, Brigitte Lahaie, was the guest of BFM TV. Come defend his point of view, the facilitator of the South Radio was opposed to the feminist activist Caroline de Haas. A sentence was then provoked the ire of internet users. In the full exchange, Brigitte Lahaie, who stated: “One can enjoy during a rape I have to inform you “. After 24 hours of outrage on social networks, a person to eventually respond to these comments. On Instagram, Flavie Flament has published a photo of the former actress of charm with its citation and several hashtags including: “miserable harvest” or “protecting rapists”.

Clearly, the ex-wife of Benjamin Castaldi suffered from the remarks of Brigitte Lahaie. The day before already, she had been highly critical of another signatory of the article published in the World, Catherine Millet, after the latter had stated a few weeks ago on France Culture: ” I was very sorry not to have been raped because I could testify that the rape, it will come “. Recall that in October 2016, Flavie Flament has published a book entitled The Consolation, in which she revealed to readers that she was raped by the world famous photographer David Hamilton while she was a minor. Since then, the mother has often taken the floor to this topic, and even view commissioned by the minister of Families, Children and the Rights of women in François Hollande, Laurence Rossignol, to lead a reflection on an extension as possible of the period of limitation of rapes committed against minors. Note that in the face about Brigitte Lahaie, Flavie Flament has not, in any case was not the only personality to govern. On Facebook, Peggy Sastre, one of the editors of the tribune published in the World, has held to take its distances with the leader of South Radio. “The writers and signatories to the tribune brush it away totally of the statements made by Brigitte Lahaie, she wrote online. We are a very large majority consider that these comments are insulting to women victims of sexual violence and rape. “

“You can cum during a rape, I notify you of” Brigitte Lahaie, tonight on @bfmtv #unfestival! #pitoyablerécolte #libertédimportuner #protégerlesvioleurs #deneuve&co, Bravo! @lemondefr

A post shared by @ flavieflamentoff on Jan 10, 2018 at 2:37pm PST

“I was very sorry not to have been raped because I could testify that the rape we get out of this” Catherine Millet NOT OF INDECENCY, IT SEEMS -98.000 people per year (women & men) you give in willingly to their place -1 in 5 children, offers you his life cut short, and provides you with the continue #sitaspasétéviolétasratétavie #leviolestunechance👏 #jaiétévioléeparunpédojaitropdebol!😜 #monviolestunnonévènement #libertedimportuner @lemondefr #appelauviol #cultureduviol #protégerlesprédateurs #shame #shame #catherinedeneuve #deneuve&co #nausea #ONVOUSCONSOLERAQUANDMEMEPARCEQUENOUSNOUSSAVONS #laconsolation

A post shared by @ flavieflamentoff on Jan 10, 2018 at 1:39pm PST

[press release] to The editors and signatories to the tribune, “women release a different word” to brush it away…

Posted by Peggy Sastre on Thursday, January 11, 2018

Photos credit : Stephane Lemouton / Bestimage

Flavie FlamentBrigitte Lahaie

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